Friday 9 October 2015

Mobile Marketing: Correct a negative image

The mobile revolution has made it clear to brands what an amazing platform it is for them to reach consumers and communicate their ideals, message and values. But as is usually the case with new emerging technologies, we are really only beginning to discover the many opportunities the small screen has to offer. Mobile can do far more than just bring your brand's image to new audiences -- it can help build it. Listed below are a few examples for potential reputation hazards and how the right mobile-marketing techniques can help shift these negative perceptions and save the day.

Bad service

Bad service sucks. It provokes frustration, anger and all kinds of other negative emotions in consumers; so naturally, it's one of the main reasons for customers to perceive brands in a negative light. Many brands aware of this have turned to mobile to improve customer service and rekindle consumers' positive connotations with the brand. Banks, fast food chains and other companies are hopping on the bandwagon with mobile apps that allow users to perform tasks and access information that otherwise would have required long hours or arriving at a store front and using the help of a representative. Cutting long waiting times is nice, but when the waiting game is something you simply cannot avoid, turning it into a fun experience could do wonders for your brand's reputation. 

An old, outdated vibe

Mobile is about making everything more accessible and strengthening the relationship between consumers and brands. "Old" industries who turn to mobile are not only making service more accessible to users but have a real chance of disrupting markets that haven't changed for decades.

In recent years we've seen traditional industries make it back into the front line thanks to disruptive mobile products. The real estate and banking industries, for example, seemed boring and old just a couple of years ago, but now, apps services are a hot commodity.

Offending public minorities

Hyper-targeted mobile media campaigns can help you publish backlash. Thanks to the abundance of user data collected by mobile devices, unlike any other advertising platform out there, mobile provides marketers with the luxury of selecting a certain chunk of the public they'd like to interact with.

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